Tag: Digital Literacy

  • Digital Leadership Education: Has Its Time Finally Come?

    Digital Leadership Education: Has Its Time Finally Come?

    Recent opportunities for The Denovati Group may be an indication that we’re finally approaching a tipping point when it comes to digital leadership education, training that can help current and aspiring leaders at all levels better prepare themselves for today’s digital realities and their digital futures. In this article I underscore the need for these…

  • In the Digital Era, Digital Literacy is Fundamental

    In the Digital Era, Digital Literacy is Fundamental

    Highlights of an interview I did with Learning.com in fall 2015. The focus was on digital literacy at the primary and secondary levels; however, the ideas and arguments extend beyond that. Digital literacy is an issue that all organizations and organizational leaders need to make a top priority for the foreseeable future.

  • Can We Measure Social Media Sophistication? If So, How?

    Can We Measure Social Media Sophistication? If So, How?

    Can we validly and reliably measure social media sophistication? In Part 2 of a two-part essay, I share my perspective on the challenges in trying to create a universal measure, and offer some thoughts on what a tool to measure social media sophistication might include. The thoughts and perspectives of others are welcome.

  • New Dimensions of Leadership for the Digital Era

    New Dimensions of Leadership for the Digital Era

    There are five new dimensions of leadership necessary for success in the Digital Era. This article provides a summary of these dimensions, along with related action items. A fuller description of the dimensions and recommendations is available via TD Magazine, in both text and audio (podcast) formats.

  • Should We Try to Measure Social Media Sophistication?

    Should We Try to Measure Social Media Sophistication?

    Should there be a scientific measure of social media sophistication? In Part 1 of a two-part essay, I share my perspective on whether understanding social media sophistication is important and whether there’s value in trying to create a universal measure to assess it. The perspective of others is welcome.

  • Change in the Digital Era:  Both Too Fast and Too Slow

    Change in the Digital Era: Both Too Fast and Too Slow

    Assessing the pace of change in the Digital Era depends on whether we’re talking about technology or people and human systems. The former is advancing at lightning speed, the latter at a snail’s pace. As the Digital Era progresses, technological capabilities continue to outstrip our capacity to address the opportunities and challenges they present. We…

  • Assessing Digital Literacy: Developing a General Measure

    Assessing Digital Literacy: Developing a General Measure

    Although it’s not practical to create a single measure for assessing the digital literacy of workers at all levels and in all functional areas, it is possible to create a general measure to assess basic competencies. Here’s our take on developing a framework for creating a digital literacy assessment tool. It includes four components (from…

  • A Digital Transformation Framework, using a Bricks-and-Mortar Metaphor

    A Digital Transformation Framework, using a Bricks-and-Mortar Metaphor

    This digital transformation framework calls for strategic leadership as the architect and is built on a foundation of strategic goals and objectives.The building blocks are tactical leadership, governance, digital competencies, education and training, and change management. An organization’s culture is the mortar that connects and binds everything together. Each element requires a unique set of…

  • How Much Is Digital Illiteracy Costing Your Organization?

    How Much Is Digital Illiteracy Costing Your Organization?

    The costs of digital illiteracy for organizations include general inefficiency and ineffectiveness as workers go about performing their job duties, compromised communication and collaboration, wasted investments in technology tools and platforms that are underutilized, suboptimized pursuit of strategic goals and objectives, and reputational effects.

  • We’re All Becoming Tech Workers… And We Need to Be Ready

    We’re All Becoming Tech Workers… And We Need to Be Ready

    As the Digital Era continues to progress and social and digital technologies become more fully integrated into not just the work we do, but how we do it, there’s an increasing need for all workers to be digitally literate and competent. Here are some of the things organizations, organizational leaders, and individuals can and should…

  • Digital Property is Real Property: 5 Ways to Treat it That Way

    Digital Property is Real Property: 5 Ways to Treat it That Way

    Recognizing and respecting that digital property is in fact “real” property requires organizations to (1) make sure they own their own domain name(s) and lay claim to related social media properties, (2) require all official email be sent via domain-linked accounts, (3) take cybersecurity seriously, (4) maintain a presentable web presence, and (5) create policies…

  • Becoming a Digital Organization: A Three-Phase Journey

    Becoming a Digital Organization: A Three-Phase Journey

    There are three main phases to becoming a digital organization: digitization, digital engagement, and digital transformation. This post offers a lay oriented description and assessment of these phases. The objective is to help leaders who are digital rookies develop a conceptual foundation for understanding where their organizations have been, where they are, and – most…

  • Social and Digital Engagement: You Can’t Outsource Leadership

    Social and Digital Engagement: You Can’t Outsource Leadership

    Effective social and digital engagement requires informed and active involvement from the top of the organization. Although it may be appropriate to outsource and delegate some responsibility and many activities, it’s not in an organization’s best interests to outsource leadership. To achieve the best results, leaders must educate themselves, develop a strategic, integrated approach to…

  • Social and Digital Technology Trends: 9 Take-Aways for YOU

    Social and Digital Technology Trends: 9 Take-Aways for YOU

    The evolution of social and digital technologies proceeds unabated. We continue to witness dramatic changes, and it’s safe to say that the anticipated changes promise to be equally profound. Even if you don’t consider yourself an early adopter or are a digital Luddite, it’s virtually impossible to avoid the impact of these changes both personally…

  • Understanding the World Wide Web: A Brief Primer

    Understanding the World Wide Web: A Brief Primer

    Even though we all use the World Wide Web regularly for both work and pleasure, most of us would be hard pressed to define exactly what it is, describe much about its history, and/or articulate details of its impact. This primer offers a quick introduction to all those things.