Tag: Best Practices

  • New Dimensions of Leadership for the Digital Era

    New Dimensions of Leadership for the Digital Era

    There are five new dimensions of leadership necessary for success in the Digital Era. This article provides a summary of these dimensions, along with related action items. A fuller description of the dimensions and recommendations is available via TD Magazine, in both text and audio (podcast) formats.

  • Five Key Digital Transformation Mistakes

    Five Key Digital Transformation Mistakes

    Key digital transformation mistakes include not having an executive in charge,inadequate leadership buy-in and support,having decisions related to social and digital technologies made by people who lack sophistication, multiple fragmented, tactical approaches rather than a unified approach that is strategic and integrated, and executives who lack the proper perspective on revenues and expenses.

  • A Digital Transformation Framework, using a Bricks-and-Mortar Metaphor

    A Digital Transformation Framework, using a Bricks-and-Mortar Metaphor

    This digital transformation framework calls for strategic leadership as the architect and is built on a foundation of strategic goals and objectives.The building blocks are tactical leadership, governance, digital competencies, education and training, and change management. An organization’s culture is the mortar that connects and binds everything together. Each element requires a unique set of…

  • Job Search in the Digital Age

    Job Search in the Digital Age

    In the Digital Age, professionals must provide the same level of care and attention to their professional identities in cyberspace as they do to their presence and reputation in the physical world, especially when they are looking for their next career opportunity. Job search in the Digital Age requires establishing and managing a digital professional…

  • Social Media Screening: Guidance for Individuals and Organizations

    Social Media Screening: Guidance for Individuals and Organizations

    Social media screening (aka social screening) has become a common practice among recruiters and hiring managers, as well as some coaches and college admissions offices. This white paper consolidates and updates previously shared guidance about this practice, providing recommendations for both individuals and organizations. It is primarily focused on job candidates and employers, but it…

  • Digital Property is Real Property: 5 Ways to Treat it That Way

    Digital Property is Real Property: 5 Ways to Treat it That Way

    Recognizing and respecting that digital property is in fact “real” property requires organizations to (1) make sure they own their own domain name(s) and lay claim to related social media properties, (2) require all official email be sent via domain-linked accounts, (3) take cybersecurity seriously, (4) maintain a presentable web presence, and (5) create policies…

  • Optimizing Blog Posts: 11 Essential Considerations

    Optimizing Blog Posts: 11 Essential Considerations

    Optimizing blog posts requires both art and science. This piece supplements the guidance offered in Blogging: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide, covering factors like developing post standards and creating templates, the importance of excerpts and featured images, SEO optimization, promoting reader friendliness and engagement, and more.

  • Digital Literacy: Helping Learners Learn in the Digital Era

    Digital Literacy: Helping Learners Learn in the Digital Era

    Digital literacy is a critical component of learning in the Digital Era. Organizational leaders and learning professionals must understand the digital competencies required for learning success, create a digital learning culture, assess employees’ baseline competencies, leverage both formal and informal learning to help them increase their digital literacy, identify and promote subject matter experts and…

  • Culture Change is Critical for Successful Digital Transformation

    Culture Change is Critical for Successful Digital Transformation

    Adopting digital technologies is not about replacing an existing system with an upgrade or building a new website. Rather one of the most important impacts of these technologies is to essentially change the way people work. Adopting digital technologies needs to be seen as first and foremost a culture change or probably more appropriately a…

  • A Comprehensive Beginner’s Blogging Guide

    A Comprehensive Beginner’s Blogging Guide

    This beginner’s blogging guide is intended for people who want to incorporate blogs into their organization’€™s digital engagement efforts but aren’t sure where or how to begin. Individuals interested in blogging for personal and career management reasons may also find the guide useful. Its primary focus is on external blogs used for marketing, branding, and…

  • Managing Digital Era Risks: Social Media Policies and More

    Managing Digital Era Risks: Social Media Policies and More

    Managing risks is part of the cost of doing business, and managing them well can be a competitive differentiator, in both the economic marketplace and the war for talent. A relatively small percentage of organizations have addressed Digital Era risks in a meaningful way, however. This post provides an overview intended to help organizational leaders…

  • Website Upgrades: 5 Essential Considerations

    Website Upgrades: 5 Essential Considerations

    Organizations are increasingly realizing they need to update the look, feel, and functionality of their websites. The process for website upgrades has changed significantly in the past few years. The days of hiring a web developer to “hard code” a site. A better alternative is to go with a platform like WordPress.org, which enables the…

  • Trickle-Up Socialnomics: How BtoB Firms Can Leverage Social Media

    Trickle-Up Socialnomics: How BtoB Firms Can Leverage Social Media

    This post introduces the idea of Trickle-Up Socialnomics™, which describes how BtoB (business-to-business) firms can view their supply chain as a Social Media Chain and leverage it to identify business opportunities and increase revenues. It includes links to a white paper that describes the Social Media Chain more fully and provides examples of how participants…