Category: Digital Era Careers

  • We’re All Becoming Tech Workers… And We Need to Be Ready

    We’re All Becoming Tech Workers… And We Need to Be Ready

    As the Digital Era continues to progress and social and digital technologies become more fully integrated into not just the work we do, but how we do it, there’s an increasing need for all workers to be digitally literate and competent. Here are some of the things organizations, organizational leaders, and individuals can and should…

  • Technology-Focused Career Options for Women: Virtually Limitless

    Technology-Focused Career Options for Women: Virtually Limitless

    Framing digital technology as a means to an end rather than an end unto itself can help girls and young women in particular realize the diversity of career options for women available in the Digital Era. This knowledge can in turn encourage them to pursue areas of study and choose professional paths that combine topics…

  • Women in Technology: Promoting a Broader Perspective

    Women in Technology: Promoting a Broader Perspective

    For many, the notion of “women in technology” is focused on computer science and the tech industry. Should the definition be so narrow? Do we really want to send the message to girls and young women that aspiring to be coders and tech entrepreneurs is the best (or only) way they can make a professional…

  • Job Search in the Digital Age

    Job Search in the Digital Age

    In the Digital Age, professionals must provide the same level of care and attention to their professional identities in cyberspace as they do to their presence and reputation in the physical world, especially when they are looking for their next career opportunity. Job search in the Digital Age requires establishing and managing a digital professional…

  • Social Media Screening: Guidance for Individuals and Organizations

    Social Media Screening: Guidance for Individuals and Organizations

    Social media screening (aka social screening) has become a common practice among recruiters and hiring managers, as well as some coaches and college admissions offices. This white paper consolidates and updates previously shared guidance about this practice, providing recommendations for both individuals and organizations. It is primarily focused on job candidates and employers, but it…

  • Dressing for Success in Cyberspace: Give Yourself a Digital Make-Over

    Dressing for Success in Cyberspace: Give Yourself a Digital Make-Over

    You pride yourself on your professional appearance and demeanor. You strive to create and maintain a strong identity and reputation within your organization, with your clients and peers, and in your industry. But are you as diligent a custodian of your professional brand in cyberspace as you are in the physical world? If not, you…